PC Tyrell Rowley and PC Samir Medina were both caught on video brutally beating up Jamir Leal on New Year’s Day in San Pedro Town. Although the video was widely circulated on social media and various groups and residents condemned their behavior the officers were only suspended for seven days and during a press briefing on Monday, January 7, 2019, Deputy Commissioner of Police, Chester Williams stated that they are unable to criminally charge PC Rowley and PC Medina.
During the briefing Deputy Commissioner Chester Williamns stated that Leal family has refused to cooperate in the investigation therefore they cannot proceed to charge PC Rowley and PC Medina with any criminal charges. The officers only received disciplinary charges following an investigation by the Professional Standards Branch. PC Tyrell Rowley was arraigned for two counts of prejudice to good order and discipline and PC samir Medina for one count prejudice to good order and discipline. Both pleaded not guilty and their case was adjourned until January 21, 2019.