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Secrets to Life

Self Help archives writings by Chris Emmanuel and Seleni Perez.

Follow Instructions

– By Seleni Perez – This is an advice of love to the youth who feels discouraged and misunderstood. Life is harsh, and at times can be unfair, but do not allow the negativity that surrounds you get to you and consume you. Not everyone who talks to you is

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Secrets to Life: Trust in God

– By Seleni Perez – It is true that at times we can be as stubborn as can be, and want things our way. But let’s keep in mind that “blessed are those who

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Focus on Today

– by Seleni Perez – Do not worry about tomorrow because no one knows if it will come; and if we waste too much time thinking, we may lose the greatest moments of today.

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The Dangers in Pride

by Selenie Perez – Pride is a nasty feeling that consumes our time and consequently our life. It poisons our mind, while its feeds our ego; pushing everyone away, the ones who truly love

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Stand Strong

– By Seleni Perez – This is a message to remind you that you are not alone. In days that you sit lonely on a corner hoping someone would understand your sorrow or nights

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Know Your Worth

– by Seleni Perez – Have you ever felt worthless? Do yo feel like an incomplete person thought to be the black sheep of the flock, and as much as you try to fit

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Safeguard Your Heart

by Seleni Perez – My mom has an old recycled box and in it she holds treasured, pictures, notes, documents and letters that hold her best kept memories stored. More than once I have

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Silence is Wisdom

Have you ever said something you wish you could take back, but it was too late by the time you thought of it? As I talk to many youths and people both young and

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Think Twice Before you Act

We are very fortunate to live in a nation that enables us to freedom of expression. However, many times we are not wise enough when we exercise our rights. A message can be sent

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Haters Will Hate

In life we have our highs and lows with good times that bring us great memories and bad times that teach us how to become better people. All our lives we dedicate ourselves to

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Sow to Reap

Today, it is very common to hear people say that you only live once or as to how it is abbreviated with style “YOLO”. Many times, we use this as an excuse to do

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Love Like Water -By Chris Emmanuel

By Christopher Emmanuel Highest good is like water. Because water excels in benefiting the myriad (world) creatures without contending with them and settles where none would like to be, it comes close to the

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Dealing with Anger at a Young Age

By Christopher Emmanuel “Anger always comes from frustrated expectations” -Elliott Larson   It was dark, ink black, when the little boy woke abruptly from his sleep. The position of the small bed where he

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Coming Home

There is always something to be rescued when you live close to nature. Coming home from a trip abroad, I found a big cockroach in the center of my living room floor. Upside down,

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