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Ambergris Today has grown in readership since going fully online with a majority of viewership from the United States but keeping a very large following from local Belizeans. It provides news, and community updates, and covers social events to keep people informed about the ins and outs of Ambergris Caye. We also keep our readers informed of national news.

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Our website offers one-size banner ads that are displayed on a rotating basis on the page, meaning their position shifts every time you refresh or visit a new page. The ads are clickable to a pop-up display or link to a webpage of your preference, even a Facebook Page. 

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Ad spaces are shared with Google Ads and we have limited the number of advertisers for your business to stand out and not get lost with too many ads and distractions. 

A few businesses have also opted to just place their ads on our Facebook Profile; this is also another option you may want to explore. 

Please enjoy browsing through our website and contact us for advertising rates which we can modify to your needs. We will be glad to clarify anything for you or give you suggestions as to the best advertising option for you. 

Thank you.

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