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Burpees for Bella Fundraiser Brings Community Together

What started as a personal effort for Marissa and Kristian Guerrero to raise funds in helping out their friend Isabella Romero, ended up being a huge fundraiser supported by the community. They managed to raise $8,862 by promising to do one burpee for every dollar collected.

Expecting to challenge themselves with about 1,000 burpees, the Guerreros found themselves being joined by a cross section of the fitness community in San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, and ended up having to knock out over 8,000 burpees. Great thing they had help.

Burpees for Bella Brings Community Together for a Great Cause

Burpees for Bella Brings Community Together for a Great Cause

Burpees for Bella Brings Community Together for a Great Cause

On Friday, February 16, the couple was joined by over 50 friends at the W.O.D. Zone fitness center where Isabella works out. With their help, the group managed to surpass the 8K burpee challenge and stopped when they realized they had executed over 10K burpees! WOW! The following day the Guerrero’s also hosted a 5k Fun Run that was also a successful fundraiser; asking $20 from each participant. Looks like San Pedro loves to run for a great cause.

“San Pedro – La Isla Bonita take a bow,” commented Kristian Guerrero. “We always have known it was special but today we saw how special it truly is. Benefit for Bella and the Fun Run captivated the true spirit of our island where friends born and friends who have chosen to make it home came together for a special woman and ran, walked or purposely trailed behind to pick up plastic water pouches – all for a greater whole. Thank you so much to all the runners, the walkers, the motivators, the doughnut makers (Casa Pan Dulce), the doughnut eaters, the traffic wardens, the puppy hunter who ran his little heart out. Thank you to everyone who participated and those who donated an extra special thank you to you.”

Isabella Romero was diagnosed with a tumor in her uterus that had to be removed, along with her ovary. She underwent surgery in Orange Walk last week and is recovering well; she even popped up during the 5K run to thank all those participating.

Burpees for Bella Brings Community Together for a Great Cause

Isabella Romero with Marisa Guerrero

“I was overwhelmed with all the support we received from this fundraiser, which we did not expect to blow up the way it did,” commented Marisa Guerrero. “It was beautiful to see members of all the different fitness groups come together for one person – one cause. I am so thankful to them all and know that Isabella is very grateful as well. She hopes that her situation will create awareness, especially in women, in taking the time to get routine medical checkups.”

“To my wife whose sole passion in life is to be good and who expects nothing in return. Thank you for making all of us into greater people. We love you Marisa. Keep on inspiring us and keep on helping.”

Burpees for Bella Brings Community Together for a Great Cause

Burpees for Bella Brings Community Together for a Great Cause

Burpees for Bella Brings Community Together for a Great Cause

Burpees for Bella Brings Community Together for a Great Cause

Burpees for Bella Brings Community Together for a Great Cause

Burpees for Bella Brings Community Together for a Great Cause

Burpees for Bella Brings Community Together for a Great Cause

Burpees for Bella Brings Community Together for a Great Cause

Burpees for Bella Brings Community Together for a Great Cause

Burpees for Bella Brings Community Together for a Great Cause

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