New Executive Board Elected for San Pedro Justice of the Peace Association

After a dormant period of two years, the San Pedro Chapter of the Justices of the Peace Association held election of officers for the period 2016-2018. Very popular figure, always active inspirational speaker and philanthropist, Clive Welsh, was first coaxed and then unanimously supported so that he easily accepted the very honorable and respectable position of President of the San Pedro Justices of the Peace Association.

Other elected and even self nominated members are Angel Nuñez Vice President, Gerardo Reyes Secretary, Maria Elena Alamilla Treasurer and Ana Ico and Pedro Salazar Sr. Directors. (pictured above: Gerarfo Reyes, Maira Elena Alamialla, Clive Welsh and Angel Nuñez)

The meeting held at Sun Breeze Conference Room listened to a report of outgoing President, who basically apologized for not being active as a group. “There are nine chapters of J.P. Associations in Belize,” said National President Danny Madrid. “I would like to boast of San Pedro being the top in the country as it is in many other realms, but unfortunately it is not so.”

Prior to the election, Madrid encouraged new members to step up to the plate to perform their sacred duties in the dissemination of peace and justice for the community and country.
In accepting the honorable post of a president, Hon Clive Welsh commented that he takes the responsibility seriously and will do his utmost best especially to bring peace and stability into the lives of young people for whom he has a great passion. Welsh asked for the support and guidance of the rest of the executive members and from the general membership of the Justices of the peace.

Welsh’s immediate job is to have all J.P.’s registered to obtain their official cards and get on board with the task. Meetings shall be held on the first Wednesday of every month at 7p.m. at the Town Hall conference room. All members are welcome and, in fact, urged to attend; Lookout for their Facebook Page.

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