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More Than 102 Sea Turtle Nests Identified on Ambergris Caye

Still in the midst of Turtle Nesting Season, The Ambergris Caye Marine Turtle Program, Hol Chan Marine Reserve and volunteer residents are in high alert and in search of turtle nests along the coast of the Ambergris Caye in order to protect these delicate sea creatures.

The Hol Chan Marine Reserve staff discovered a nest of 93 eggs that were laid on Sapphire Beach Resort late in the month of August. Of that sum, there were about 40 turtle eggs that did not survive. Approximately 53 turtles survived from the nest that was found. The Hol Chan Marine Staff has been working closely with the resort staff to care for future nests found on the property.

Following the initial find the staff of Sapphire Beach Resort, 14 more baby loggerhead turtles hatched next to the pool area. Five staff of the Hol Chan Marine Reserve arrived to assist in locating their nest, but unfortunately couldn’t find it. Before departing they educated the resort’s staff on how to recognize the turtle’s nest area in the event that they come across it in the near future when cleaning the beach.

By the end of August 2015, The Ambergris Caye Marine Turtle Program had recorded eight nests hatching just on the last week alone; three new nests were identified bringing the total to 102 nests on Ambergris Caye for 2015. In previous years 96 nests were recorded in 2013 and 77 nests in 2014.

More Than 102 Sea Turtle Nests Identified on Ambergris Caye

More Than 102 Sea Turtle Nests Identified on Ambergris Caye

More Than 102 Sea Turtle Nests Identified on Ambergris Caye

More Than 102 Sea Turtle Nests Identified on Ambergris Caye

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