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US Assists Belize in Search for Missing US Army Ranger

A second round of searching commenced today Monday, May 05, 2014, for missing US Army Ranger Wrangler Shane Leesman, who went missing since Tuesday, April 29, in San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize, after his kayak capsized close to the coral reef while on vacation.

Leesman’s mother is still very optimistic that authorities will find his son alive and because the Belize Coast Guard does not have helicopters, Leesman’s family has hired rescue helicopters to conduct aerial searches. Three US rescue helicopters were spotted over the reef as of Sunday, May 4.

And while these aerial searches are taking place, dive volunteers and boat owners have been asked to help with the search at sea. Gas money is being offered to volunteers as the search for Leesman continues.

US Assists Belize in Search for Missing US Army Ranger

– photo courtesy of Jay Jex

US Assists Belize in Search for Missing US Army Ranger

US Search Helicopters arrive in San Pedro, Ambergris Caye         – photo courtesy of Findley Halliday

Leesman’s mother, Dee-Dee Leesman speaks to news media in the US stating that her heart tells her that her son is still alive.

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