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Soccer Equipment Donated to San Pedro RC School Football Team

The San Pedro RC School Male Football Team received a kind donation on Monday, November 12, 2012. On hand to extend the kind gesture were Roberto Canul of Ambergris Divers and Zonia Torres of Island Club Resort (formerly known as the Belize Yacht Club) who handed over jerseys, soccer shoes and other equipments to the male football team. With this kind donation the male football team of San Pedro RC School is better prepared to compete at the national level and represent the school proudly!

Soccer Equipment Donated to San Pedro RC School Football Team

Roberto Canul of Ambergris Divers taking out the jerseys for the team

Soccer Equipment Donated to San Pedro RC School Football Team

On hand to extend the kind gesture were Roberto Canul of Ambergris Divers and Zonia Torres of Island Club Resort

On hand to extend the kind gesture were Roberto Canul of Ambergris Divers and Zonia Torres of Island Club Resort

Soccer shoes and more donated to the SPRCS Male Football Team

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