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More Speed Bumps, More Wardens, Traffic Safety Continues

The San Pedro Town Council embarked on a Road Traffic Safety Campaign in early April with intentions to promote safe driving on the island. During the campaign banners were placed all over town while speed bumps and street corners (no parking areas) were given a paint job.

During the Town Council’s familiarization visits to schools, Councilor Kenrick Brackett made mention that in order to keep the island’s children safe pedestrian ramps would be placed near every school.

“Presently we have placed speed bumps by the San Pedro R.C. School and the San Pedro High School,” commented Councilor Brackett to Ambergris Today. “These speed bumps were purchased by the previous administration and we are currently using them as a test to see if this will work better than having pedestrian ramps.”

In continuing with Road Traffic Safety, Councilor Brackett arranged a Traffic Enforcement Training that involved both the traffic wardens and police. Officer in Charge of the San Pedro Police Branch, Assistant Superintendent Vienie Robinson facilitated the training which took place from Wednesday, May 2, 2012 to Thursday, May 3, 2012.

Topics addressed during the training included Traffic Rules, Direct Flow of Traffic, Parking Regulations, Traffic Violation, Investigation/prosecution of Road Traffic Accidents, DUI incidents and other duties.

The training concluded with an official ceremony where a total of 15 officers were presented with a certificate of completion which was presented to them by Mayor Danny Guerrero. Joining the troop of traffic wardens in San Pedro this week is Mr. Alfredo “Freddie” Gonzalez Sr. Mrs. Anna Hanna, a resident of North Ambergris Caye, also took the course and will be assisting the San Pedro Transport Department on a voluntary basis in the northern area across the Boca del Rio Bridge.

Road Traffic Safety - Speed BumpsRoad Traffic Safety - Speed BumpsTraffic Enforecement TrainingTraffic Enforecement TrainingTraffic Enforecement TrainingTraffic Enforecement TrainingTraffic Enforecement TrainingTraffic Enforecement TrainingTraffic Enforecement TrainingTraffic Enforecement Training

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