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BTB’s Announces 4th Road Warrior

– Press Release, Belize Tourism Board, Belize City, Belize, January 9, 2012 – The BTB is pleased to announce that it has selected Kristin Fuhrmann-Simmons as its next writer for the Road Warriors program. Kristin, a professional pastry chef, will be arriving in country on January 9, 2012 and will be focusing on the culinary practices and traditions of Belize during her three-month tenure here. The selection of Kristin as Road Warrior is a perfect fit, as the BTB has set the goal of increasing culinary and gastronomic tourism in 2012 and beyond. Kristin has been to Belize once, and is thrilled to return, as she met numerous chefs and home cooks making delicious dishes she’s keen to learn more about.

In addition to her work as a pastry chef, Kristin is a freelance writer who specializes in writing about food. She writes for the Seacoast Media Group/Dow Jones newspaper in Maine, United States. She will also be blogging about her experiences in country on her personal blog,, and will be developing unique, original multimedia projects and offline experiences to share more about Belizean culture with food lovers and prospective travelers abroad.

One of the other special elements of Kristin’s tenure as Road Warrior is that she will be joined by her family for part of her time here. During her family’s stay, Kristin’s husband and their two young daughters will focus on the subject of family travel, and will expand the audience of the Road Warrior program by reaching young people and families through fun, engaging content.

To date, the Road Warriors program has been extremely successful, and has resulted in Belize being featured in international media, including CNN, the British magazine Complex’d, and many other outlets. We look forward to Kristin’s arrival and her deep exploration of our country’s diverse, delectable cuisine.

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Twitter: @kafcooks
Facebook: 4ticketsplease Page

By the way, if you missed the previous Road Warriors or haven’t kept up with them since they were in Belize, here are their blogs:
Megan Wood
Lily Girma
Norbert Figueroa

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