Every year San Pedro High School hosts an Open Day to show parents and prospect students the quality of education and activities of the school. The Freshmen showed off their Spanish and Mathematical Skills, while Sophomores gave a presentation on the Latin American Countries like Guatemala, Mexico, Argentina, Honduras, to name a few. Their presentation were all done in Spanish.
As for the Third and Fourth Formers, they were separated into their departments, Business and Science. The Business Department for both Juniors and Seniors came up with their own business and present a business plan to the public.
The following are a few businesses that caught our attention: The selling of “Volteado de Piña” (Pineapple Upside Down Cake), “Pastel de Banana” (Banana Cake),” Pastelitos de Chocolate” (Chocolate Cupcakes) and Liquados (Smoothies).
The Science Department also came up with experiments and new products to show to the public; there were several amazing projects. The following are a few worthy mentions: The Volcano, Van de Graff Machine, PVC Cannon, Bottle Rocket, Extracting a person’s DNA, Electro Light Trough, Leaflet Experiment, Light Race and Illuminating Concatenation.
The winners of the Science Department were:
1st Place – Illuminating Concatenation
2nd Prize – PVC Cannon
3rd Prize – The Volcano
Congratulations to all the students of San Pedro High School for another great Open Day.