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Saga's Italian Cook Off a Success!

Last night, January 12, 2011 at Tackle Box Bar & Grill Saga Humane Society hosted their Italian Cook Off featuring many dishes for a very hungry crowd. Music, drinks and delicous food were available, as well as raffles. What more can you ask for! The night was a huge success, congratulations to the organizers.

The Italian Cook Off winners are as follows:

1st place: Tanya Mejia

(Grille Sandwich donated by Haramouch Center)

2nd place: Miss Mel

(Polar Toaster donated by SP Homecenter & Wooden Serving Tray donated by Graniel’s Dreamland)

Raffle Winner: Tim Okis

(Lounge Chair donated by Harmouch Center)

1st Place Italian Cook Off Winner: Tanya Mejia2nd Place Italian Cook Off Winner: Miss MelRaffle Winner: Tim OkisSaga's Italian Cook Off Saga's Italian Cook OffSaga's Italian Cook OffSaga's Italian Cook Off

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