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The Greasy Pole

One of the favorite, crowd-pleasing events at all beach activities in the past used to be the greasy pole.  It is very simple- a light post measuring about 30 feet is anchored into the sand and greased with pig lard or hard car grease. A flag or hat or cap is placed on the apex and whichever team brings down the flag wins one hundred dollars or two cases of beer or whatever the organizers decide to offer.   For that money or prize young men and boys would try for hours making a pyramid and climbing on each other’s backs to try to reach the summit. No tools, gadget like rope may be used.  Just when you would think it is impossible, a team would make it usually before sunset. This flashback is a positive reminder of a good, clean and fun event for March 9, Township Day, Dia de San Pedro, September 10, Independence Day, and Garifuna celebration, and other beach days for San Pedro.  Long Live the Greasy Pole.

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