Speed Bumps and More, as Traffic Becomes a Big Issue

speed bumps and traffic update

I had a chance to catch up with Councilor Jose Castellanos at the beginning of the week, and we delved into the topic of traffic congestion and the need for speed bumps on our beloved island. It’s no secret that navigating through the bustling streets of San Pedro can sometimes feel like a daunting task, with vehicles crowding every corner and speeding becoming all too common.

But here’s the good news: the Council is taking proactive steps to address these concerns head-on. One of the most noticeable changes? The installation of new speed bumps in strategic locations across town. Already, four have been put in place along Marina Drive, next to the Poly Clinic, entrance to the San Pedrito Area and at Ambergris Caye Elementary School (ACES), aiming to curb excessive speeding and promote safer driving habits along the newly paved roads.

speed bumps and traffic update
Much-needed speed bumps are added to the newly paved roads
speed bumps and traffic update

Castellanos shared insights into the council’s approach, emphasizing their responsiveness to resident feedback and concerns. With accidents on the rise and the influx of construction trucks exacerbating congestion, it’s clear that action was needed to ensure the safety of our roads.

Speed Bumps and More

Mayor Wally Nunez echoed this sentiment, reaffirming his commitment to road safety for all. As we navigate through these challenges, he assured residents that the Council is dedicated to implementing systematic measures to improve traffic flow and safety.

But the initiatives don’t stop there. The San Pedro Traffic Department has been hard at work, rolling out training programs for wardens, implementing breathalyzer tests to tackle DUIs, and strengthening licensing procedures. Additionally, plans are underway to enhance parking facilities, collaborate with truck companies for smoother transit, and explore eco-friendly transport solutions to reduce carbon emissions.

As we move forward, Mayor Nunez encourages residents to stay engaged and proactive, reporting any concerns and following updates from official channels. Together, we can work towards a safer, more efficient road network that benefits us all.

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speed bumps and traffic update
Traffic Department acquires breathalyzers
speed bumps and traffic update
Traffic Wardens receive proper training in order to improve their performance on the job
speed bumps and traffic update
speed bumps and traffic update
Streets getting paved in the San Mateo residential area across the bridge
speed bumps and traffic update
A total of 49 golf carts were impounded and shipped off the island last month. Vehicle owners must possess a permit before bringing a vehicle to the island
speed bumps and traffic update
The Town Council makes it rounds to water the streets during these very dry months to lessen the amount of dust in the air

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