Rest In Peace Mrs Fina Nuñez

It is with a sense of sincere sorrow that Ambergris Today Staff and Family learned of the Passing On of the late Mrs. Fina Nuñez.  She is survived by her children Will Nuñez and Chabby Salazar Nuñez, her sister Mrs. Juanita Alamilla and by many grandchildren and great grandchildren.

“Miss Fin”, as she was popularly called, lived all her life in San Pedro along with her renowned husband and community leader Mr. Fido Nuñez.  Besides her commitment as a beloved mother, Miss Fin was a business entrepreneur and operated one of the best stores at the time on the Island, Fina’s Store.  She was also a hotel and restaurant entrepreneur alongside her husband Fido Nunez who commenced Fido’s Hotel and Restaurant, still going strong to this day.  Her popularity led her to become “madrina” or Godmother of countless children in baptism, confirmation and especially marriages.

Friends and relatives will sincerely miss an outgoing friend, loving mother and granny, a community leader and activist, and a great person to relate to.  May the soul of the late Fina Nuñez rest in eternal peace.

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