Traffic Poster and Essay Contest for Students

Students, it is time to put that thinking cap on and be a part of an essay and poster competition which has been launched by the San Pedro Transport Department. Councilor Kenrick Brackett whose portfolio includes transport, teamed up with Ambergris Today, The Reef Radio and the San Pedro Sun to launch the contest titled, “The Importance of Traffic Safety.”

Poster Competition
The poster competition is specifically for primary school students and is divided into three different groups. Group A – consists of Infant I and II, Group B – Standards I, II and III and Group C – Standards IV, V and VI.

The students are to design posters that include the various traffic signs such as pedestrian crossing, stop, yield and roundabout and what they mean. Posters are to be done on a standard bristol board. Absolutely no computer done posters will be accepted, the posters must be drawn/painted by student. Prizes will be awarded for the 1st place of each age group (Prize: $350.00). A prize will also be given to the teacher that coaches the student.

Essay Competition
The Essay competition is specifically for high school students and is divided into two different groups, Group A – 1st and 2nd Form and Group B – 3rd and 4th Form. The essay should consist of 300 – 500 words, typed in double space format and should include traffic signs such as pedestrian crossing, stop, yield and roundabout and their importance in traffic safety. No emails of essay will be accepted a hard copy must be submitted. Prizes will be awarded for the 1st place of each age group (Prize: $500.00). A prize will also be given to the teacher that coaches the student.

The submission deadline of the posters and essays is Monday, June 4, 2012. The entries can either be delivered to the Town Council or to the offices of any of the three sponsors, Ambergris Today, The Reef Radio or The San Pedro Sun.  The grand judging finale will be held on Sunday, June 10th, at 6:30 p.m. at the San Pedro Lions Den.

For more information please contact Councilor Brackett at 635-3844 or 226-2198.

Sponsors of the Competitions are:

*San Pedro Town Council *Ambergris Today News *Reed Radio/TV *San Pedro Sun *Radisson Fort George Hotel *Captain Morgan’s Retreat *Coldwell Banker Real Estate *Belizean Shores Resort *Jambel’s Jert Pit *Xhamanx Resort *Eco Fuels *Seven Seas Resort *Hidden Treasure Restaurant *Sandwich Box *Joe Lawrence *Molly Malone’s Pub at The Hotel *Elvi’s Kitchen *Victoria House *Kakaw Chocolate *Caye Caulker Water Taxi *Bowen & Bowen

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