San Pedro Sailing Club to Compete at National Championship Regatta

Seventeen young junior sailors of the San Pedro Sailing Club have been invited by the Belize Sailing Association to compete at the second National Championship Regatta to be held in San Pedro, Ambergris on Saturday 17 and Sunday 18, November 2012, to select the National Champion for the Optimist Class.

The National Authority cordially invites all members, sailing enthusiasts, the general public and all Optimist sailors to attend. Sailors from the Placencia Sailing Club, Belize Sea Scouts, Liberty Sailing Club, Buttonwood Bay, Belize City, Corozal Bay Sailing Club and the San Pedro Sailing Club will be participating in the Regatta. Come support all the sailing clubs and see how they have contributed to develop the children of Belize to be better citizens of the world.

Race Dates and Time:
Saturday 17th November:

1100hrs    Race Brief.
1200hrs    First race.
1500hrs    No race started after.

Sunday 18th November:
0800        Race brief
0900hrs    First Race
1200hrs    No race started after.
1300hrs    Prize Giving.

BZSA Optimist Sailing Program provides opportunities to young girls and boys of Belize to aspire to become world champions too. For more information on sailing activities and our organization, contact the Belize sailing Association at

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