San Pedro Annual "Light The Night" Cancer Walk

I hope this letter finds you and your place of business under the most fortunate of circumstances. It is a great honor and privilege to also wish you a Happy New Year on behalf of the San Pedro Cancer Society and that we may all be rejoicing in the prosperity that it has to offer.

As you may know, the San Pedro cancer Society holds a “Light the Night” cancer awareness walk every 4th of February in commemoration of World Cancer Awareness Day. This year will be no different. It is in the anticipation of this event that we take this opportunity to invite you and your staff to this year’s event.

This year’s walk is scheduled to start on February 4th, 2014 at 6:30pm. We will be gathering at this time at the Central Park. The walk will leave central park on Barrier Reef Drive, circle the roundabout at the San Juan Area, head back down through Pescador Drive to the Primary school and then unto Barrier Reef Drive to culminate at Central Park for a short briefing and a minute of silence in memory of those no longer with us and in honor of those still in battle.

Of you and your staff we ask for you attendance. We strongly ask the business community to wear their work uniforms to show their company’s support for the Cancer Society. There will be no fees for the walk, however, donations are welcome and any cheques can be made out to the “
San Pedro Cancer Society”. We really hope to see you there and we Thank You In Advance in helping make this year another resounding success!

On The Square,

Miguel Perez
San Pedro Cancer Society

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