Arcadia to Lend Helping Hand to Special Needs Community in Belize

GLENSIDE, PA, April 18, 2016 – After a fruitful initial visit to San Pedro, Belize Arcadia University plans to move forward with the global outreach initiative as they travel back to Belize in August, 2016 to begin educating the community in the areas of business, education, and healthcare.

April is international Autism Awareness month and members of the Belize community planned events to help the special needs community like the “Light It Up Blue” campaign where local businesses unite by shining bright blue lights in honor of the individuals and families affected by autism. Also, on  April 17th Sarah Freudenberg, Special Education Master’s Level Teacher,  organized an “Autism Awareness Run,” a 5K marathon in order to raise awareness and funds for autism. The proceeds from the 5K will go to Autism Awareness and Education.  

One of the areas of focus for Arcadia University will be lending a helping hand to the special needs community in Belize. The School of Education’s Adjunct Professor, Kathy Trainor, was intrigued to find the special needs community in Belize faces the same challenges as in Philadelphia and Glenside, PA.  She describes her experience in Belize as, “a whole new world but the same world” indicating that special needs issues are universal.  

From August 6th -20th, two Arcadia students will travel to Belize along with Kathy to work with parents and teachers who have students with special needs. The goal is to raise awareness, advocacy, and educate the community on strategies to make life successful for these individuals within the classroom and in everyday life as well as challenge the community to see past visible disabilities and learning impairments and promote acceptance.

Be sure to keep an eye out for Kathy and her students in August!

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