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Art Show Fundraiser Coming Up at SP House of Culture

The San Pedro House of Culture is hosting an art show featuring Bernadette Damper from November 9 to 23. The show will benefit San Pedro Fundraising Events; the opening will be on November 9 at 7p.m. and the House of Culture is open Monday to Friday from 9a.m. to 5p.m. Everyone is invited to attend and support a worthy cause.

About Bernadette Damper

Art Show Fundraiser Coming Up at SP House of Culture

My name is Bernadette Damper. I have been a resident of San Pedro since March 2016. Before moving here permanently, I came once or twice a year for nine years to SCUBA and eventually became a dive master.

I was born in 1952 and grew up in the Bronx, N.Y. I attended Pace University in New York for a Bachelor’s degree in nursing. I began my nursing career in the Bronx and in my late 20’s, I moved to California, where I married, raised a family and worked full time as a Registered Nurse in the hospital setting.

In love with San Pedro, I moved here after being diagnosed with colon cancer which had spread to my brain and bones. Before the disease spread to my brain, I had no artistic ability. After the brain tumor was identified, in lieu of further treatment which could extend the quantity of my life, but destroy the quality, I moved to San Pedro where I felt my heart and soul truly belonged.   And, it was then that I discovered that I could paint!

My goal is to keep painting and to donate the original paintings to San Pedro fundraising events. I hope that these paintings on display at the cultural center bring you the joy and peace and inspiration that they have brought to me.

I am self-taught and usually paint in watercolors and acrylics. I love to include dimensions in my paintings with the use of natural elements (feathers, string, foils and gels). I do both realistic and abstract works.

Prior to my illness, I was an avid marathon, ultra-marathoner, triathlon competitor, and trail runner. My body is no longer strong but my spirit is stronger, and now I paint to forget the pain and anxiety that the cancer brings. I paint also, to show my love for San Pedro and to help important causes. You are my people now, and I love you.

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