QL – A World-Changer Mindset Workshop for Young Adults

Free educational course for young adults 18 – 30 happening this Saturday 20, October, 2108, from 9 am – 4pm at Banyan Bay Conference room.

QL is a transformation experience designed to help young adults expand their thinking around what is possible, decide what they want their life to look like, and then support them in creating goals around that vision. Through personal stories, thought-provoking examples and proven models, a QL instructor will help students unearth their personal mission and learn how to start living with intention. Students walk away with a model to follow and tools they can implement to #TakeAction right away. Who in your world would you want to impact in this way? Help the young adults in your life take the next step in their journey toward extraordinary.

Register them for QL: https://app.kwkc.org/event/620e42fd
Email, : Kate Corrigan  – Katecbelize@gmail.com
Call, text, whats ap: Kate Corrigan – +501 632 4102

See the link to an introduction and testimonials on the course :  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=foZI-w3iX-Q&feature=youtu.be

Course details : Saturday 20th October 2018 at Banyan Bay Conference Room NEW TIME  9 am to 4pm lunch drinks and snacks provided

Open to anyone between 18 & 30. No matter the career, level of education or ambition this course is for anyone to attend.

Who in your world would you want to impact in this way? Help the young adults in your life take the next step in their journey toward extraordinary.

Register them for QL: https://app.kwkc.org/event/620e42fd

QL - A World-Changer Mindset Workshop for Young Adults

QL - A World-Changer Mindset Workshop for Young Adults

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