Dorian's Angels at Lady Bug

Dorian’s Angels at Lady Bug

This week Dorian’s Angels got a little grubby! There was no pampering like we are usually used to, on the contrary we got our hands into some dirty soil and did some gardening. Where did we go you ask? We went shopping for flowering plants at San Pedro’s newest plant nursery – Ladybug!

Mrs. Catherine Paz owner of Ladybug – Plants, Pots & More had been longing for quite some time to invest in the dream of owning her own plant nursery; now it is her reality. “I have wanted to open up my business for quite some years now and with the great support of my family and friends I am proud to open my nursery,” commented Mrs. Paz to the Angels. She gave Angels a tour of her facility and as usual we were glad to lend a helping hand.

Angel Delsie helped head gardener Eric Figueroa to replant a special order for a customer while I took to water some of the plants, it is very hot and dry these days. Angel Perlita got busy planting some rosemary seeds as Mrs. Paz showed and explained to us how to properly take care of different types of plants and all the tender care that has to be put in gardening.

There are over 1,000 plants for you to choose from at The Ladybug; there are both indoor and outdoor plants, flowering and non-flowering plants. You can also buy pots for your plants (plastic/clay), fertilizer and even black dirt.

A really cool service that Ladybug offers is plant rentals for special occasion such as weddings, parties and meetings. Plus, there is also a maintenance programs for the banks and business offices as well as landscaping for houses and resorts.

Some of the plants that you can find at the Ladybug include Hibiscus (Double, California Gold), yellow Lantanas, purple/orange Chinese Hats, Bougainvillea, Juniper Pines, Crown of Thorns, Ground Orchid, Pride of Barbados, ornamental Ficus, African Palms, Honeysuckle, red Ixora and much more.

Ladybug – Plants, Pots and More officially opened on Earth Day Thursday, April, 22. The Earth is our mother and we must take care of her and what better way to give back to Mother Earth than by planting beautiful flowering plants. So whether you want to decorate your house or business, start a hobby or just give back to Mother Earth, Ladybug is the place to get your plants and seeds.

While only God can make a tree, Mrs. Catherine and the crew at Ladybug are in charge taking care of them and make your gardening a breeze. Open hours for Ladybug are from 9:00a.m. to 4:00p.m. Mondays to Fridays and 9:00a.m. to 12:00noon on Saturdays. For orders call 666-4526 or email: And remember that if the Angels recommend it….It’s Gotta be GOOD!

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