Angels Honoring National Service Day

Dorian’s Angels joined the country of Belize in honoring and remembering the late Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price. Belizean citizens were asked to do some form of community service project to honor the way the late Price lived his life.

The Angels wanted to give back to the children of the island and knowing that the marching band of Isla Bonita Elementary School along with members of the San Pedro Dance Company have been arduously practicing for the September Celebrations they headed out to give them some treats to keep them cool in this lovely Belizean heat.

Angel Perlita and Angel Sofie caught up with the band on the beachside in front of the San Pedro High School who were delighted in receiving a refreshing treat during their practice break. If you missed out on joining the country in National Service Day, be sure to join in next year and give back to your community in honor of the late Mr. Price!

Angels Honoring National Service Day

Angel Perlita handing out some cooling refreshing ideals

Angels Honoring National Service Day

Angel Perlita handing out some cooling refreshing ideals

Angels Honoring National Service Day

Band members enjoying their treat!

Angels Honoring National Service Day

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