A Sanpedrano Fisherman's Party

What’s going on here?  You mean Sanpedranos did not take their wives along when they are having a party?  Of course they did when they went to a dance or some social event.  But this was an end of fishing trip party when the crew of a lobster fishing boat came into town, delivered their eight or nine hundred pounds of lobster tails to the fishing cooperative and then went to Marino’s Club or Skin Diver’s Club to celebrate a successful fishing trip and to relax from the pressures of everyday diving, of course.  The trip took approximately 12 days, and a fisherman could net over a thousand dollars on that trip so a day well spent at the bar socializing with friends and dive partners with Colt 45 beer was a day well spent. Cold 45 was the imported beer of the day and coincidentally sold for 45 cents also.  These were the typical Sanpedranos of the 1960’s and 70’s- no shoes, rolled up pants, a shark tattoo, open shirts and Cost 45.  Six of these Sanpedranos are sadly gone- Marcelino “Lino” Ancona, Luis “Chato” Nuñez, Apoloño “Polo” Nuñez, Guillermo “Mito” Nuñez, Nando Trejo, and Genaro “Crusher” Nuñez.

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