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Ramon Reyes Jr Supports Manuel Heredia Jr

Hello San Pedro and Caye Caulker residents. It is a pleasure to once again make contact with you through this forum. I’d like to take this opportunity to announce my “Endorsement” of Manuel Heredia Jr for Area Representative for our Belize Rural South. I have no reservations in endorsing Mr. Heredia. I’ve known him personally for 16 plus years. He has always been an Honest, Hard Working, and Friendly person. He is truly down to earth, he “IS” one of us.

Our islands need Good Honest Leadership. Someone who welcomes visitors and workers to our islands. Someone who will represent what our islands stand for. There is no doubt that the ONLY candidate that can and will continue to do this is Manuel Heredia Jr. I’ve spent some time with Minister Heredia recently and learned of his plans for our islands. These are things that can truly move us forward. Minister Heredia also is open to new ideas and opinions, this quality is scarce.

Yes, I was running to represent the PUP against Minister Heredia in the General Elections. I still believe in my views and convictions for our islands. How the PUP ran the convention is something to discuss another time. The way my opponent acted was just not right, that’s all I’ll say for now. For those who may think this is sour grapes, I’ll just tell you that you are wrong. I offered myself to represent the PUP in an election and I learned a lot through the process. I made a lot of new friends and I do not regret for one minute, the experiences. The things that I learned about the workings of the party is also valuable.

When you offer yourself to serve you cannot really lose, if the election is fair and you are defeated it just means that the people went another direction. Life does go on. If I would have been the one representing the PUP in this election I can surely say that the campaign would have been respectful, and clean.

In closing I ask all those who supported me to come out on March 7 and Vote for Manuel Heredia Jr. I ask everyone from San Pedro and Caye Caulker to do the same. We need someone who will serve our islands not themselves. We’ve been down that road before, let’s not repeat our mistake.

Keep the Progress going, Vote Manuel Heredia Jr on March 7, 2012!!!

Thanks again for your time,
Ramon Reyes Jr, JP

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