Saga Thanks for a Successful Central American Cook Off

Saga HS would like to give a sincere Thank You to El Fogon and every person involved in making Cook Off- Central America September 19 a festive and successful night.  Newly paved Trigger Street, country flags made for a celebratory atmosphere for a block party all provided by gracious hosts El Fogon for the evening. Money raised will be used for the October SNIP-a-thon. Saga HS will be hosting visiting vets to provide over 300 FREE spay/neuter for low income island residents.  

All eight countries of Central America were represented with impressive entries into this month’s contest. After all the votes were counted Feliz Bar’s was the 1st prize winner for Pollo Encebollado – (Nicaragua).  2nd prize winner went to El Fogon for Tamales – (Belize).  3rd prize Croquetas de res con queso – (Costa Rica) to Carolina Caldweld. The other delicious dishes were Pupusas (Salvador) from Pupuseria tipico Salvadoranio Restaurant , Chicken Quesadillas (Mexico) – Faride Lima , Stuffed Plantains w/ cream – (Honduras) Letty Hernandes, Patacones – (Panama) Carolina Caldweld, Boyos (Guatemalan tamales) – Patricia Rosalez.  We are very grateful to have the support of all those who entered. Thank you to dish sponsors Rene Steinmetz, Pampered Paws, Sew What, and Wolfgang Wind.

Saga Thanks for a Successful Central American Cook Off

Local business generously supported the night with donations for our famous raffle and Tropical Sangria.  The raffle prizes were a Digicell (BTL) gift Basket and free 4G service cards, Carlo &Ernie’s Runway Bar gift certificate and wine from Premium Wine and  Spirits. Travellers Liquor donated brandy and Chef Chap Ross made the Tropical Sangria. We are grateful to these businesses that make a commitment to make a difference in our community.

The night was made possible by our hardworking volunteers. Thank you for helping make the night a triumph. Volunteers Rene Steinmetz, Sharon Metcalfe, Cindy Carlson, Jackie Cervonie, Janina Canales, Grant Crimmings, Sandy Rigby, Alan Soto, Omar Alavarez and Suzelie.

Saga Thanks for a Successful Central American Cook Off

El Fogon knows It’s Hip to SNIP!

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