No Charges Filed Against Palapa Bar Owners, Police Actions Unjustified

Dear Editor,

Please allow me space in your newspaper to ensure that the good and clean reputation of my clients is maintained as it should:

There were no charges filed against Mr. or Mrs. Harnish by any of the Government Departments, including the Police Department in Belize and with the assistance of their attorney Estevan Perera, their assets were returned to them. Once the funds were returned it was deposited immediately.

Furthermore both Mr. Harnish and his wife are known throughout San Pedro as upstanding, successful, friendly and hard working business persons in Belize and are greatly respected by the locals in San Pedro.

The actions of the police were unjustified and that we hope as a community that other business owners and investors in Belize are not treated the same by police in San Pedro in the future.

/s/ Estevan Perera, Attorney,

Mr. & Mrs. Harnish

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