Tour Guide Saves Passenger’s Life!

It seems that boat accidents have been occurring more frequently these days and unfortunately there have been some deaths and injuries in the past few months. This week a boat mishap ended with a much more happy ending as one local tour guide/fisherman found himself capsized by the reef and helping out a dear friend swim to shore.

On Tuesday, February 9, Sanpedrano and local fisherman, Mr. Ramon Guerrero had some difficulty out at sea and his boat capsized just a few miles off the coast of North Ambergris Caye in the Palmeros area (near Blue Reef Resort).

“We went out on a fishing trip at about 8:30 in the morning and we headed out by the channel cut in the Palmeros area,” commented Mr. Guerrero to Ambergris Today. “The engine of the boat stopped and the current was taking us outside the reef. I couldn’t restart the engine and a wave hit the boat causing our boat to capsize”.

Mr. Guerrero was very calm and rendered assistance to his only passenger, a 72 year-old American national and good friend of his. Mr. Guerrero maintained his calm and did everything he could to help his friend. He actually started swimming towards shore with the gentleman on his shoulders. Thankfully, they were later found by a passing skiff belonging to Sueño del Mar who helped them out of the water and took them ashore.

“Thank God both of us are fine”. I only received a bruise on the right side of my face and a minor cut on my forehead and my client was unhurt, but tired,” comment Mr. Guerrero. The boat was later towed back to shore by family members.

Mr. Guererro and his client were very fortunate that the mishap did not end in tragedy and that both of them were rescued. In this case, we applaud the heroic actions of Mr. Guerrero in making sure that his client/friend made it to shore safe and sound.

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