SPHS Math Olympiad are Central Regional Champions

Congratulations are on hand to the hard working students and teachers, for an excellent performance at the Math Olympiad Central Regional Championships.

The two participants in the Senior division were: Jing Han (4C) and Vicky Balam (4C), Alternates were Lucio Nuñez (3A) and Cindy Novelo (3C). In the Juniors division the two participants were: Emily Gomez (2A) and Ismael Kay (2E) and their alternates were Walter Tut (1C) and Yanni Garcia (2G).

These students were able to perform at their best in the competition thanks to the hard work and dedication of Mathematics teacher, Mrs. Iris Perez as well other volunteers who helped in training these students, Mr. Ricardo Sedacy, Gary Tabony and Shakira Coleman.

On Tuesday, February 16, in the morning, the Belize City Center was packed as seven high schools from the Belize District went head to head to compete for the title of the 2010 Central A Regional Champion. The participating schools were Anglican Cathedral College, Belize Rural High School, Ladyville Technical High School, Nazarene High School, San Pedro High School, St. Catherine’s Academy and Wesley College. St. Catherine’s Academy kept the competition heated but had to settle for second place, while San Pedro High School ended victorious claiming a position in the National Competition.

Later in the afternoon, another exciting competition was held for the Central B Region. Edward P. Yorke High School, Excelsior High School, Gwen Lizarraga High School, Sadie Vernon Technical High School and St. John’s College competed vigorously. At the end of the competition, St. John’s College retained their title as Regional Champs. Edward P. Yorke came in second place.

High schools who have already qualified for the national championship on March 10th at the University of Belize Gymnasium in Belmopan are Stann Creek Ecumenical College, Belize Christian Academy, San Pedro High School and St. John’s College.

The Social Security Board, proud sponsors of the Belize Math Olympiad, recognizes the remarkable support from all the participating high schools and invites you to join us at our remaining competitions.

Congratulations to the SPHS Math team and Good luck in the National Championship in March!

SPHS Math Olympiad at Central Regional Champions

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