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Prez. Obama’s Trip Advisor visits San Pedro

As friends and family of Kilpatrick Peter Nicholson bid farewell to him last week after an untimely death and celebrated his life, residents close to his family got to meet his brother Marvin Nicholson who happens to be US President Barack Obama’s Special Assistant and Trip Advisor. Although his trip to the island was not in the most ideal situation, Marvin and his family fell in love with San Pedro and commented that they will be back to visit all the wonderful friends they have made.

Marvin Nicholson Boards Air Force One

Marvin Nicholson, one of the more colorful characters on the Barack Obama and Kerry presidential campaigns, is being named White House trip director, choreographing the president’s minute-by-minute movements on Air Force One and on the road.

Nicholson traveled the country as trip director for President-elect Obama and was the body guy for Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.) during his White House bid. The trip director is part road manager and part tour guide, with a heavy helping of protocol and problem-solving. He stays 10 feet, 10 hours and 10 days ahead of the president.

The trip director lives and breathes planes and automobiles, from manifests to motorcade lineups. Then at the site of an event, the director helps brief the president on where he’s going to go and who he’s going to meet.

The towering Nicholson met Kerry in a windsurfing shop and had caddied on Nantucket. Between the campaigns, Nicholson was a special assistant in Kerry’s Senate office, from November 2004 to January 2007. (

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