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San Pedro High on Community Service

What is community service? This program is designed by many high schools throughout the country and San Pedro High School is no exception. This is what Principal Nuñez has to say about community service: “Community service is about teaching teenagers that it is important to give back to your community a little of what the community has given you. It is about giving unselfishly and unconditionally. Most important it is supposed to give one a lot of pleasure and satisfaction, because there is much satisfaction derived from making someone happy.”

StudentsSo how does it work at San Pedro High? Students as early as form three are supposed to come up with a project for community service and then spend the minimum of 30 hours to complete their service. They are not supposed to receive any form of payment nor financial gratification. And what projects can they do? They can assist a needy person with personal matters. They can help an elderly person who might be lonely. They can assist at an organization that is non profitable and where service has a way of reaching to the general public, as is the hospital or fire department, for example. They cannot work at a business place that exists solely for profit. But most important, says Principal Nuñez, they are supposed to enjoy the spirit of service so that they will become service-minded men and women that will be eager to continue providing voluntary service to society.

Photo Caption:
Students Earl Sutherland, Emerson Novelo, Ian manuel, Oswaldo Acosta building an addition to Mrs. Gonzalez’s house. (William Stevens and Windel Stervens not in photo).

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