U.S. Embassy Launches New Web Site

U.S. Ambassador Robert J. Dieter is proud to announce the launch of a new web site of the Embassy of the United States to Belize. The website has undergone a major transformation, in a redesign process updating both the form and content of the site. It now stands as the official source of information on the United States in Belize.

The revamping of the site is part of an effort by the U.S. State Department to present a consistent entry point to authoritative information about the United States in a format common to U.S. diplomatic missions worldwide.

On the front page, the site focuses on our Embassy activities, as well as major local and global news. It also provides quick access to core topics within the site, and links to important outside resources.

“The Embassy” section contains all the relevant information on the operations of the U.S. Mission to Belize. ”Visa Information” is addressed to Belizeans traveling to the United States, and “American Citizen Services” has resources for U.S. citizens abroad. “Under U.S. Policy and Issues” you will find links to information on major policy initiatives by the State Department. Finally, in the “About the U.S.A.” section there are a number of portals for a wide variety of users, ranging from school children and teachers, travelers and students, to academics and media professionals.

Welcome to our new site (http://belize.usembassy.gov

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