Motorcycles Donated to Traffic Department

It is no news when we say that traffic in San Pedro is quite busy and work on the island compares to the city’s traffic department. In keeping with the island’s traffic safety earlier this year, the San Pedro Town Council hired two new traffic wardens, Ms. Felipa Carillo and Mr. Freddie Gonzalez Sr.; they join Mr. Claudio Azueta and Mr. Immer Chi in keeping a safe traffic flow and control.

On Tuesday, June 19, 2012, the Traffic Department received two Meilun Motorcycles as a kind donation from businessman Mr. Corey McDermott. The two motorcycles will be used by Mr. Gonzalez and Ms. Carillo to assist in traffic patrols.

Traffic Department Receives Motorcycle Donation

(L-R) – Traffic Warden Freddie Gonzalez Sr., Mr. Corey McDermott, Councilor Kenrick Brackett and Traffic Warden Felipa Carillo

“We would like to thank Mr. McDermott for such a kind donation to the department,” stated Councilor Brackett to Ambergris Today. “We would also like to thank Mr. Norman Duek of Universal Hardware for giving us a great discount on the cycles. With the newly acquired motorcycles we can now have more street patrols and maintain a safe traffic flow on the streets of San Pedro.”

Present at the handing of the motorcycles to the traffic department were Mayor Daniel Guerrero, Councilor Kenrick Brackett, Mr. Corey McDermott, Chris Nuñez Manager of the Traffic Department and traffic wardens, Claudio Azueta, Freddie Gonzalez Sr. and Ms. Felipa Carillo.

Traffic Department Receives Motorcycle Donation

(L-R) – Freddie Gonzalez, Felipa Carillo, Mayor Daniel Guerrero, Mr. Corey McDermott, Kenrick Bracket, Mr. Chris Nuñez and Claudio Azueta

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