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Mexico Trains Belizean Forensic Ballistic Analysts

-Press Release – December 5, 2012 – Two Belizeans have just returned from Mexico after receiving specialized training in the science of Forensic Ballistics.

The two Belizeans underwent an intensive five-day crash-course in various aspects of Forensic Ballistics, including the use of the Integrated Ballistics Imaging System (IBIS). The training course was conducted in Mexico City from November 22 to 26 through the Mexican Program for International Cooperation for Development.

With the training received the Belizean forensic ballistic analysts will be able to operate the IBIS TRAX 3D System recently donated to Belize by Canada, which is being set up within the National Forensic Science Service headquartered in Ladyville.      

It has been agreed that the possibility will be explored for further training and follow-up courses, as well as continuous exchange in techniques and practices in Forensic Ballistics and related specialized fields.

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