It is not something that is very much heard of in San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize, but reliable sources have indicated that both San Pedro Mayor Daniel Guerrero and Area Representative/Minister of Tourism Hon. Manuel Heredia Jr. have received death threats this week.
Although there has been no official police report or has the San Pedro Police Department released any information about the serious matter, but word is that criminal elements have threatened the lives of both island officials. Hon. Heredia, who freely walks around San Pedro Town very casually and bare-footed can be seen with a full military/police escort and his home on the island is being heavily guarded.
At his recent speech during the official swearing in of the San Pedro Town Council, that took place on Monday, March 16, 2015, Hon. Heredia indicated that both him and the members of the Town Council were prepared to protect and keep the safety of the community even if it compromised their lives. This caught some of the people in attendance off guard and wondering why he would say that.
“If we have to die for you all, we will do so,” commented Hon. Heredia on Monday.
These death threats come to light as island officials work on increasing security and military/police presence on the island due to a spike in criminal activity that has been related mostly to drug wars. As a notorious family got arrested last week for charges of carrying unlicensed firearms and ammunition, Love FM News of Belize City reports that it is this family who has threatened both the Mayor and Area Representative of San Pedro.
Love News indicates that a close relative to Heredia received the death threat call on Saturday, March 14. Heredia was alerted of the threat and a formal report was made to the San Pedro Police Station. This news station reports that it is the incarcerated Campos family and affiliates that has made these threats in exchange for their release from prison.
It seems that Mayor Guerrero is not taking the threats very seriously as is Hon. Heredia, but the Police is saying that the media will be briefed on the issue at an appropriate time.