Belize City June 9th, 2016, 9:00 A.M. The Ministry of Tourism and Civil Aviation, in collaboration with the Belize Tourism Board and the Belize Tourism Industry Association, launched the new interregional Tourism campaign “Central America is Yours, Enjoy It” , directed to Central Americans to motivate them to travel within the region. This constitutes a joint effort with public and private sectors to promote the integration of Central American tourism.
All seven member countries had representatives from Ministries of Tourism and Tourism boards participating jointly in the designing stages of the campaign. These organizations have worked hand in hand with regional tour operators to design special packages, which will be made available to the Central American public.
These efforts will show the true value of the tourist attractions in the region through Social Media and websites placements that will effectively position the regional tourism brand “Central America is Yours, Enjoy It” contributing to the promotion of tourism in Central America.
The campaign expects to motivate half a million Central American internet users, to travel inter regionally, using social media networks to report the different tour packages, allowing for regional tourist to communicate directly with tour companies that offer these package deals. As part of the initial launch of this campaign there will be different promotions such a raffle for a free trip for 2 people that will include: 3 nights, 4 days accommodation: 2 days of tours, 1 free day, meals and in country travel among other promotions.
The tourism campaign was designed with the aid from the Spain Fund SICA by means of the Central American Tourism Integration program that is executed by Central American Tourism Integration Secretariat (SITCA), who has as its fundamental objective to contribute to MSMEs access Central America as a multi destination region in the SICA region.
The Interregional Tourism program is part of the marketing and promotion strategy plan of Sustainable Tourism Development of Central America 2014-2018, approved by the Central American Tourism Council (CCT). As a result of this joint effort of the 7 Central American countries working together for tourism integration, there has been important effects for sustainable tourism development in the region. In 2015, the 7 Central American countries received 10.3 million visitors, 661,000 more than 2012, which is equivalent to a 6.9% increase. Adding the Dominican Republic, the number jumps to 15.9 million tourists.
In terms of income, tourism contributed to the seven countries in Central America US $ 10.9 billion, an increase of 4.7 % compared to US $ 10.3 billion generated in 2014, with an annual increase of US $ 485.6 million. Adding to the Dominican Republic revenues reach the 2015 figure of $ 17.2 billion.