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New Tourism Police Ready to Patrol on Ambergris Caye

On Wednesday, August 14, 2019, Commissioner of Police, Mr. Chester Williams was on the island of Ambergris Caye to officially install thirteen newly graduated Tourism Police Officers. These recent graduates are from the 23 newly graduated Special Constable Tourism Police Officers of which Placencia also received officers.

Master of Ceremonies for the event was Mr. Raphael Martinez. Addressing those in attendance were North Neighorhood Watch Representative – Mr. Rob Eckeblesh, Belize Tourism Board Representative – Carlon Mendoza (ILC) as well as the Commissioner of Police Mr. Chester Williams, The Minister of Tourism & Civil Aviation – Hon. Manuel Heredia Jr and Mayor Daniel Guerrero.

Mr. Rob Eckeblesh officially handed a Jeep Liberty vehicle to Superintendent Chris Noble of the San Pedro Police Department, which was purchased by the North Ambergris Caye Neighborhood Watch. The Police department also received a golf cart, four – 9 millimeter pistols, two shot guns, four computers with printers, a water cooler, microwave and an Air Conditioning unit.

The San Pedro Police Department now counts with 17 Tourism Police Officers and should increase to 22 later this year.

New Tourism Police Ready to Patrol on Ambergris Caye

New Tourism Police Ready to Patrol on Ambergris Caye

New Tourism Police Ready to Patrol on Ambergris Caye

New Tourism Police Ready to Patrol on Ambergris Caye

New Tourism Police Ready to Patrol on Ambergris Caye

New Tourism Police Ready to Patrol on Ambergris Caye

New Tourism Police Ready to Patrol on Ambergris Caye

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