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Belize’s Ministry of Health Update No. 1 on Novel Coronavirus

Belmopan. January 29, 2020. The National Surveillance Team of the Ministry of Health continues to monitor all epidemiological information and surveillance activities in relation to the novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV).

The Ministry has met with airport authorities and relevant stakeholders to review the screening methods and processes to be implemented in the event of any suspected case.

To date, this region, including Belize, has no confirmed cases of 2019-nCoV.

This week, the Ministry has been engaged in ongoing discussions with the Caribbean Public Health Agency as well as the regional and country offices of the Pan American Health Organization to keep everyone abreast of the regional response.

The Ministry of Health reiterates that the best way to reduce spreading viruses (including 2019-nCoV) and minimizing infection is by practicing proper handwashing hygiene, cleaning hands with soap and clean running water, covering nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing with tissue or inside elbows, and avoiding contact with anyone with cold or flu-like symptoms.

The public is reminded that the Ministry of Health is the official source of information. Any questions, concerns, information or clarification on rumors should be channeled through the desk of the Information Officer at the Ministry of Health at e-mail or phone number 828-4450. Persons can also contact the Ministry via its Facebook Page, Ministry of Health Belize.

The Ministry of Health will continue to update the public as necessary through press releases from the Government Press Office and through updates on the Ministry of Health and Director of Health Services Facebook pages.

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