San Pedro Fishermen Protest at Cayo Rosario

Cayo Rosario is located within the Hol Chan Marine Reserve and is in immediate danger, threatened by a development project on and around a tiny mangrove island that is home of the protected and economically lucrative, permit, tarpon and bonefish species. A berm has been created on the water causing damage to the area and local fishermen and local activists were upset at rallied at Cayo Rosario on Thursday, March 5, 2020 to protest against the work being carried out.

Sadly large scale dredging and massive over-the-water construction has been approved to take place at Cayo Rosario. Even though in 2015, Area Representative Manuel Heredia Jr. and San Pedro Mayor Daniel Guerrero successfully proposed that the Hol Chan Marine Reserve be expanded to include over 135 square miles of sea grass beds, wetlands, mangrove cayes, shoals and flats. To forever preserve an invaluable nursery for our Belize Barrier Reef and safeguard vital habitats for the protected and economically lucrative, permit, tarpon and bonefish species.

According to information received developers had a permit to build a temporary berm using imported material rather than being extracted from the seabed. But instead of being built on the Eastern side of the island and was done on the Western side approximately 300 feet away from the shoreline.

Local fishermen, stakeholders, island residents and even tourists were out on boats at Cayo Rosario to voice their concerns and hold a peaceful demonstration against the development taking place in hopes to bring awareness to local authorities on the negative impact that this development is creating.

San Pedro Fishermen Protest at Cayo Rosario

San Pedro Fishermen Protest at Cayo Rosario

San Pedro Fishermen Protest at Cayo Rosario

San Pedro Fishermen Protest at Cayo Rosario

San Pedro Fishermen Protest at Cayo Rosario

San Pedro Fishermen Protest at Cayo Rosario

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