A celebrity nowadays is not necessarily classified by his Hollywood status, music career or athletic prowess. With the advent of social media, almost anybody can become a celebrity with interesting and engaging content. Celebrity YouTuber/Blogger known as Luisito Comunica is in Belize showcasing the our jewel to his millions of followers. Luisito is one of the most influential and famous YouTuber in Latin America with over 37 million followers on You Tube, 20 Million on Facebook and 29 Million on Instagram having travelled to over 100 countries.
He is currently in Belize in a spontaneous trip that came about from his curiosity to learn more about our country, being so close to Mexico. Luisito arrived through the Mexican border and is currently documenting his travels, with emphasis on Belizean culture, diversity of the people, gastronomy and much more.
Luisito’s stories on Instagram are currently highlighting his travels. Follow his social media platforms