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Friends Donate Bingo Winnings Back to Lions Club

Meet Robyn and Greg Ogdahl from St. Joseph Missouri, USA. They are regular visitors to La Isla Bonita and this past Friday, June 17, 2011, I met them at the San Pedro Lion’s Den during Bingo Night! To my pleasant surprise, Robyn recognized me from Ambergris Today Online which she commented that she reads on a regular basis to keep in touch with Belize. She also shares Ambergris Today with her students as she is a teacher back home.

And lady luck was on the Ogdahl’s side that night because they won two separate bingo games with winnings just over $300. Robyn and Greg were generous enough to donate most of their winnings back to the Lions Club for their Christmas fund for when it is time to give back to the community of San Pedro during the Christmas holidays.

Thank you very much Robyn and Greg for your heartfelt generosity, the love of our island and for keeping in touch through Ambergris Today. All the best and hope to see you soon once again on Ambergris Caye. – by Dorian Nuñez, Editor

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