Trash the Vera Wang Wedding Dress in Belize

Mike and Aby Simes chose to get married in Belize because they fell in love with our country’s natural beauty and the amazing diving opportunities. Photographer Jose Luis Zapata captured this fun moment as the couple decided to “Trash the Dress” after their marriage ceremony that took place at Turneffe Island Resort, Belize.

They trashed the Vera Wang wedding dress! “Yes, even Vera Wang wedding dresses get trashed in Belize,” commented Jose Luis Zapata in his blog post.

After a beautiful ceremony on a bright sunny day surrounded by the island’s guests, Jose Luis and the couple went off to do some wedding photos around the secluded resort followed by a trash the dress photo shoot. Click Here to see the rest of Mike and Aby’s wedding day and trash the dress pictures on Jose Luis Zapata’s Photography Blog.

Click Here for More Pictures of the Week

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