Love is sunshine for the soul; the sun shines on all, even on dark days it’s still behind the clouds.

Two stray cats come to my door daily, I feed them both. One is loving, talks to me and begs my affection, wants to stay with me all day and night; Lucy is a female that craves constant attention, her language is love. On the other hand, Bobby the male black stray snarls’ at me, hisses for his food, commanding me to feed him. His language is fear; I feed him just the same. I revere and respect him sending him love. He does not care to be touched. His love is at a different degree. 

Birds also come to eat the cat food. Some are brazen and fly into the condo especially when the food dish is empty. They often challenge the cats sharpening their beaks on the railing eying the cat and the food at the same time. I feed them, loving them unconditionally expecting nothing, allowing them to come and go knowing they are reflections of the one expression of life the balance of yin yang. This is the balance of life unfolding in love.
Most often people do not realize how important love is. Some people discard people in their lives for comfort and possessions. Others don’t really know how to love, because of their upbringing and disposition. Others use love to control and manipulate life. But truth is, real love only creates more love.

Many people spend their whole life serving themselves, but self serving, comfort and possessions only go so far. “…for now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face, now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known. And now abide faith, hope, love, these three: but the greatest of these is love.”

Scientists, theologians, doctors, ministers and philosopher all pretend to possess great powers of knowledge but without love, this knowledge will fail them and others. Those who possess knowledge are the ones who are suppose to move the world. But what one does with that knowledge proclaims how the world moves.

If there is no love, then knowledge is no longer significant. Ignorance with love is better than knowledge with a pursuit of self no matter what field of knowledge. Today, we spend great time, energy and money pursuing knowledge. We spend little time examining the hearts of those with high degrees. Many churches looking for pastors seem to care more about degrees than love.

Eloquent speeches can go a long way, but love and truth is always remembered. Today ponder this simple fact; we remember people for how they treat us more than their possessions and accomplishments. Real legends’ remain in our hearts for eternity.

By Chris Emmanuel

Love is FoodLove is Food

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