What makes you tick

By Christopher Emmanuel

It’s not hard to make decisions when you know what moves your heart

I overheard a friend talking to another acquaintance regarding getting help moving some furniture. The conversation went like this. “How can I get Tom to help me?” The reply: “All you have to do is offer him some Belikin beer and he will be there.”

It’s not hard to tell what makes some people tick if you just pay attention to what holds the key to their hearts. Who or what holds the key to your heart? Some people will tell you that they love their children or their wife or even the place they work at. But if you ask them to spend the afternoon at a bar with drinks on the house you are sure to see where their passion lies.

We all need to know what holds the key to our heart and why. Being honest with yourself is the only way to know. Sometimes we don’t like to admit our weakness but how can you make clear choices if you don’t know what moves your heart. Deep down you decide to make choices no matter what others believe. This choice often shows what you value in life. Knowing your heart choice allows you to see what unconscious motives make you tick.

Below are some ways to connect to your heart to make better choices;
Observe: Next time you have a decision to make observe the difference when you connect to your heart and when you connect to logic. Feel the difference and get familiar to how you respond on the inside to those choices. With practice you will be able to tap into your intuition ensuring that your heart is never left behind and you are on track with all your goals and desires.

Imagine: Visualize yourself as an old man or woman in the future assessing your life. What definition of success would you have achieved in the following areas: Financing, career, health, family, and relationships? Take a moment to review what your future would be now. Write out what you want and assess the time you think it will take to get there.

Create: Take responsibility of your own personal growth and success. You have to help yourself if you wish to make a difference. You are responsible for choosing your emotions, the people and the outcome in your life. When you think that you have no choice, you are actually choosing to stick to your existing set of old rules and beliefs.
Think Positive: Open the door enormously to making better choices with positive thinking. Are we going to continue to make mistakes? Absolutely. Embrace them, learn from them, and use them wisely in the future. Short of mistakes, they’re going to be many hard decisions, not necessarily labeled good or bad, which, unfortunately, involve sacrifice, pain and/or loss. But so is there much greater chance for real, sustainable and substantive joy and peace when we are willing to follow our heart enough to take risks, which are not completely logical, but also based on our faith, sense of values. Always expect good to come from heart choices, and be willing to attach responsible action behind it.
Only you can ultimately determine the value of your choices in your life and how they impact the world around you. Knowing what moves your heart is imperative for making changes in your life that brings joy.

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