Stand Strong

– By Seleni Perez – This is a message to remind you that you are not alone. In days that you sit lonely on a corner hoping someone would understand your sorrow or nights where you cry wishing you could scream so loud so that everyone can feel your pain. In times where no one seems to get you and all you can think of is the misery of life and your heart can’t take anymore damage; you are not alone.

It is in times like these where we wait for someone to rescue us. Where we desperately desire a loved one’s warmth and long for the voice of those we call friends, that’s when we most feel alone. Then we get angry and feel confused and start questioning people’s loyalty. Then again we feel so vulnerable and helpless and start blaming everyone around us for not looking out for us when we need them most. We pretend to be okay when truly deep inside we are not.

But this is where we fail! We fail to realize that no one is perfect. That not a loved one or friend can bring us peace; neither can they save us from the pain of this world, much less rescue us from the troubles that may come our way. It’s not the people that bring happiness, much less money. But then again we seek shelter on others and then miss the whole point.

Joshua 1:9
Have I not commanded you? 
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

Our Heavenly Father has already given us the recipe to walk through the tough times. Definitely, we will not find the answer in someone else. It is in us to stop looking for people to solve our problems. Stand firm! Pick up yourself and be courageous because the strength is within you because the moment you seek God before anyone else He will be your shelter and strength to survive the storm.

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