Teachers Celebrated During Education Week

Happy Teacher’s Day! The San Pedro Town Council hosted all the wonderful teacher of Ambergris Caye in a great banquet and party at the San Pedro Lion’s Den on Thursday, May 17, 2012, as part of Education Week, joining them in the celebration was the staff of the Dr. Otto Rodriquez Poly Clinic. Today, May 18, marks Teacher’s Day and school is out for today as teachers in their respective schools celebrate with individual trips, parties and special programs.  Teachers are very special to all of us and a very integral part of our society; Happy Teacher’s Day to all of them!

Teachers Day

Teachers of ABC Pre School

Teachers DayTeachers DayTeachers DayTeachers Day

Teachers Day

Teacher of San Pedro Pre School

Teachers DayTeachers DayTeachers DayTeachers Day

Teachers DayTeachers DayTeachers Day

Teachers Day

Prior to the Teacher’s Party, teachers from all the schools got together to share some love to the community. Besides all their hard work in teaching, they took a day to share out goods to less fortunate families in different areas of the island. Schools asked their students to donate food items which were distributed on Wednesday, May 16, 2012. (pictured above are Teacher Jovita of R.C. School and Teacher Debbie of St. Peter’s Elementary)

Teachers Day

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