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IBES and Holy Cross Graduations

Graduations on the island are in full swing; proud graduates are marching down the aisles to the tune of “pomp and circumstance”. This past Saturday, June 23, 2012, Isla Bonita Elementary School held its Commencement Exercise at Paradise Theater.  Under the graduation theme “One Purpose, One Moment, One Dream” 14 proud graduates received their diplomas.

Haolin Deng gave the Welcome Address and the Valedictorian Address was delivered by Ruben Eiden Sanchez, while Sergio Andre Gomez gave the Vote of Thanks. Guest Speaker for the ceremony was Sister Leona Panton who also issued the diplomas to the graduates.

Holy Cross Anglican School 2012 Graduates

Holy Cross Anglican School 2012 Graduates

Holy Cross Anglican School
“We cannot direct the wind of life but we can adjust the sails and so become successful and the world’s greatest” – This was this year’s graduation theme for the Holy Cross Anglican School under which 34 students graduated.

Welcome Address was given by Joselin Vasquez, Valedictorian Speech by Kendice Armstrong and Vote of Thanks was delivered by Fenisha Williams.The graduation ceremony took place at the Paradise Theater on Sunday, June 24, 2012.

Congratulations to All Graduates!

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