New Year's Resolution

THE NEW YEAR for most people is for a new beginning, a new life, a new change.   Most teens look forward for new opportunities in making better decisions, better choices, and most of all starting a better life free from all the wrong and silly mistakes we do.  Most of us wait for this special time to improve our behavior in order to get along with our friends, perhaps our teachers and our surrounding especially with our parents.  The other percentage of teens takes this opportunity to commit themselves in one way or another in something that they believe in.  Some other teens take this new beginning for improvement in their health example, hitting the gym, eating better, while others plan to improve their education, by  paying much more attention in class, quit playing and fooling around, and getting better grades.  Some other goals would be to improve self in reducing stress, being more patient and tolerant with people and things.

All these changes are done individually to improve one´s self not for any other person; a change in life is never too late.  Perhaps some of us don´t have as yet a resolution in mind but as the year starts we can look back and see most of the mistakes and capitalize on them for positive change.

Most of us say, “A new year, a new me” with positive changes for self improvement.  And all I advise as your New Teen Talk Correspondent is that if you have not done so yet, it is not late.  Check out what some teens have said and hope you gain inspiration from them. Here is what they said of their New Year’s Resolutions 2011

Miss TeenTalk: I simply would fall into the teens that as yet doesn’t have a New Year’s resolution, but at the moment the only thing I have in mind is to improve my grades in school.

Angelina: This New Year I want to spend more time with the family and be more studious.

David- My New Year’s resolution is to try and keep myself out of as much drama as possible, surround myself with friends and good people and just live my life to the fullest and do better in school. I guess I am ambitious now.

Lacey: My New Year’s Resolution is to become more family oriented, sociable, fit and happier with life.

Ismael: Well this year I’ve decided and committed myself to making the most of my scholarly aptitudes.  Additionally I plan in “putting those frowns” on the persons whom I love upside down. Most of all I want to fix all my mistakes and enjoy life walking the correct path along with my Creator.

Jasmine: This year I plan to be a better person.  I will take time for myself and excel in my studies and put aside the relationships and materialism that brings me down.  In the same way I will change my attitude and consequently be a new person.

Damon: My New Year’s Resolution would be to lose 50 pounds and be healthier and look it too.

Irma:  I want to simply stop being soft with certain people, block off all the people who use me and only keep my close and true friends in my life.

Samira: Well, to get accepted to the UCLA and get a high score on my S.A.T and a High GPA of 4.0.

Kyle: I would say that I want to stop my bad habits like biting my nails and going to sleep really late.  I really want to change that.

Hannah: To stop using Facebook too much because it’s super addicting.

Mirjana: To stop drinking as much as I do now and hit the treadmill more often. LOL.

Shami: My New Year’s Resolution is to do so much better in school and to lose weight.

Leila: Simply to lose weight.

Fantastic I say.  Our San Pedro Teens do have a good mindset for the New Year and I wish to say “A happy New Year to everyone and do try to stick to your resolutions.”

By Gabriela Nuñez

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