New for New Year 2012

The year is over; time flew by so fast! This is the time to reflect back and think of everything we have achieved this year whether good or bad! This is the time to sit down and find out if we have any accomplishments, regrets and think of the wonderful memories we will always cherish forever! The New Year is almost here and a lot of us are excited to see what this year holds for us. I decided to ask my fellow teens what their New Year’s resolution are and this is what they said:

Teen Talk – My New Year’s resolution is to study harder to achieve higher grades, graduate with honors and to make my family proud of me. I look forward to prom and parents night! I want to enjoy and have as much fun as I can before I have to say goodbye to my island before graduating! I want to have wonderful memories and no regrets!

Ernilda – My New Year’s resolution is to get my grades up and trying to get to UCL College.

Carlos – I decided that I will worry about myself and not worry about other people, love myself before loving others and stop smoking.

Jonathan – This year I have decided to be more open and learn something new!

Georginia – My New Year’s resolution is to enjoy to the max the time I have left with my friends and family before I leave after graduation and I look forward to Prom!

Damon – My New Year’s resolution is to continue studying and staying out of trouble and just live my life 100% drug free.

Al Hernandez – My New Year’s resolution is to be the best boyfriend I can be and to take my education more seriously!

Mahe – I decided that I’m going to try to mind what I say because I realize that I’ve said somethings that were out of line.

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