Teens' Most Embarrassing Moments

Embarrassment is an emotional state of intense discomfort with oneself, experienced upon having a socially unacceptable act or condition witnessed by or revealed to others. Embarrassment usually carries the connotation of being caused by an act that is merely socially unacceptable, rather than morally wrong.

We have all had our moments in the wall of shame! I believe that we should never feel ashamed of what happens to us because everything happens for a reason! Most teens usually say they feel embarrassed by their parents, or even a friend. Sometimes when they do or accidentally do stuff in front of their boyfriends/girlfriends they may feel this way.

Most people tend to become shy or uncomfortable when this happens. This week I decided to ask my fellow peers: “What has been your most embarrassing moment?”

Teen Talk Reporter Solani GranielTeen Talk – I believe that most of my embarrassing moments have either been when I hail someone and then realize that it’s not them and I just turn and walk away laughing or when I’m walking a trip or fall. Also when I laugh in a weird way around my friends.

Anonymous 1 – My most embarrassing moment has been my pants falling off in public and my sister having to hold it the whole while we are walking home!

Jules – My most embarrassing moment would be when I froze in front of my entire class while doing a presentation and also missing a penalty at football regionals.

Anonymous 2 – One time I got a ride on a golf cart and when I jumped off I heard “SHSKFSF” and I thought I ripped my pants, but I checked and it wasn’t. When I got home I realized that what had ripped was my boxers; I was sagging, so my butt was showing! Haha!

Clare – My best friend is a boy and everybody thinks we love each other. Well, one day, I was getting my math book out of my school locker. I turned around and bumped into that boy; our lips were touching and we were kissing! We stepped back and laughed but then we noticed that everybody was looking at us and people would not stop talking about that day. I was so embarrassed.

Anonymous 3 – One day I was at the beach and I went swimming. All of a sudden my top came off and my upper body started showing and all of the boys were starring. I am 15 now and I was 14 when it happened and I won’t forget it because the boys are still whistling at me when I went to school!

Rose – My embarrassing moment was when my guy friend got a dare to ask me out; I thought he was serious so I said yes because I kind of thought he was cute. But then he told me it had only been a dare, I was so hurt, and embarrassed, in front of all of his friends, not to mention people thought I was just plain stupid for a long time too.

Amanda – I was on the phone with my friend and she did not tell me that this other guy was on too and I was telling her how much I like him and then he says “Oh thank you”. I was so embarrassed.

Carmita – My most embarrassing moment so far would be to confuse some random person with someone you know and be smiling and waving at them all excited; then being all ‘priceless”.

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